
Sustainability in BNL

Sustainable in BNL

The commercial production of our plant “Biotest Next Level” is an important step on our way to a more sustainable manufacturing. This plant will make it possible for us to produce immunoglobulins and other plasma products more sustainably than before – at a consistently high quality level!

We are aware that our production processes use a lot of energy and that this has certain impacts for the environment. We have therefore implemented targeted measures for to minimize the use of natural resources wherever possible. At the same time, we use renewable raw materials to operate in the most climate-friendly way possible.

What makes the production process in BNL more sustainable than before?

In addition to ideal production environments that allow us to achieve efficient building operations, the manufacturing process at BNL is designed from the beginning to have less process steps and thus use less ressources such as chemicals or water consumption. At the same time, many processes are optimized to the maximum so that we can produce as many plasma products as possible.


Acting sustainably, living responsibly


We would like to ensure that our future activities are even more sustainable and help people lead better lives. Therefore, we are constantly working to develop our sustainability targets.
Our vision for 2035 is to achieve 100% climate neutrality, a target that everyone at our company is working to achieve.

In the brochure, you can learn more about how Biotest takes responsibility for people and nature every day. 



For additional information about our sustainability strategy at Biotest, please read the current Sustainability Report


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